Live to tell

Roy Forget, “Live to Tell,” Oil on linen, 89 x 116 cm, 2018-2020

 When the number of blog entries reached 100 three years ago, it seemed like I had not much left to say, nothing.  It seemed like it was also a moment to reflect and go away for a while.  Now, after two years of pandemic life and the associated events, I have decided to at least re-engage with the posts and make them available again.  

So here they are, as they were before the multiple lockdowns, before the millions of lives taken , and before so many other countless things happened, like the invasion of the capital building in Washington DC by self-proclaimed American patriots, like the Russian invasion of Ukraine for self-proclaimed noble reasons.  But for every event that has caused a spiral of pessimism, one can add some small positives, that certain murderers of innocent black men were in fact punished for their crimes, that despite a very conservative US Supreme Court bent on recreating a McCarthy America, we now have an incredibly qualified Justice, who will in a few months become the first black woman holding that office.  

So some of us lucky ones have survived and can say we “live to tell” as that old Madonna song from the late 1980s says.
